Student Advice & Advocacy Service Providing academic advice, assistance and support.

Student Advice & Advocacy Service

The UTS Students’ Association Student Advocacy Service provides confidential advice, assistance and support to all UTS students who have queries about academic matters relating to their course, and to students seeking expert advice in relation to misconduct matters. We are an independent professional service – funded by SSAF.

We are available by phone or Zoom appointment if you would like individual assistance, or we provide two Drop-In sessions each week via Zoom for general questions about matters that are affecting your studies and your current experiences.

#What are Student Advocates?

The UTSSA employs professional and experienced Student Advocates (caseworkers) to provide advice, assistance and support to students with a range of academic concerns.

Student Advocates are committed to providing a high quality service and are available to accompany students to Misconduct and Appeals hearings - providing step-by-step advice and support throughout the entire process.

Anything you speak to our Student Advocate caseworkers about is completely confidential and none of your information or the content of your sessions with a caseworker will ever be shared without your permission.

#How can Student Advocates help you?

Student Advocates can help you with:

  • appealing an exclusion notice
  • appealing an allegation of misconduct
  • querying an assessment or exam result
  • applying for special consideration
  • withdrawing after census date

#How can I access the UTSSA Student Advocacy Service?

Please contact the Students’ Association to make an appointment with a caseworker by:

  • Calling us – (02) 9514 1155
  • Attending one of our drop in sessions from 10:00 am-12:00 pm, Tuesdays OR 12:00 - 2:00PM Thursdays
  • Visiting the Students’ Association office – we are located in the UTS Tower Building on Level 3 near the Food Court (CB01.03.22)

The UTSSA Student Advocacy Service is open throughout the year, and can be accessed Monday to Friday, 9am-4.30pm.

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UTS Tower Building - CB01.03.60 (near the Food Court)

opening times

Drop in times

10:00am-12:00pm, Tuesdays

12:00pm-2:00pm, Thursdays



(02) 9514 1155

#More Services