A student who is failing subjects may be placed on academic caution and offered a range of academic supports. It is a good idea to take advantage of the supports offered since this may not only improve your progress, but you may avoid being excluded. DO NOT ignore a notice of academic caution! It is intended to provide support BEFORE things get worse. Ignoring an academic caution won't look great if you receive a Notice of Exclusion later.
Appeals Against Exclusion Or Discontinuation

If you are not progressing through your course as expected the university will issue a Notice of Exclusion. These are usually sent out after the end of each academic year in December.
#Coursework students
If you are a Coursework student (undergraduate or postgraduate) you may have received an exclusion notice because:
- You have not passed at least 50% of your enrolled credit points since the commencement of your course; or (postgrad students) you failed more subjects than allowable for your course;
- You failed a subject for the third time and may have been refused permission to re-enrol; or
- You have not completed your course within the maximum prescribed time, and you have been refused an extension.
You have the right to appeal against exclusion from the University.
#Graduate Research students
If you are a Graduate Research student you may have received a Notice of Discontinuation of your candidature as per Rule 11.23 due to:
- Unsatisfactory progress;
- Unsatisfactory examination; or
- Student misconduct.
You have the right to appeal against discontinuation of your candidature.
#When should I lodge an appeal?
The Notice of Exclusion that you receive will inform you of the deadline for lodging your appeal.
Students have 20 working days to submit their appeal against exclusion or discontinuation.
#How can we help?
Our caseworkers can assist you with the appeal process. They will explain the processes and procedures and help you to prepare your appeal response. They can also advise you about providing relevant supporting documents and, if appropriate, advise you about other university processes available to you that may assist you with your appeal - eg: application for no academic or financial penalty (late withdrawal) if your studies were impacted by circumstances beyond your control in the previous 12 months.
To make an appointment please contact us on (02) 9514 1155 or visit our office - Room 22, Level 3 Tower Building 1 - Monday - Friday 9am-4:30pm
We request that you prepare a draft letter of appeal and bring this to your appointment - both printed, and on a USB.
A template for Exclusion Appeal letters can be found on the UTS website or by visiting to the links provided in the Notice of Exclusion letter/email sent to you by the University.
Our Information Sheet about how to appeal an exclusion, along with a sample letter can also be found here.