The collective is led by second year environmental science student, Jeremy Higgins.
Enviro Collective
Enviro Officer: Jeremy Higgins
#Who are we?
The UTS Environment Collective is a community that represents students’ concerns about the climate crisis, pollution, and broader environmental concerns to the University to strive for a more sustainable campus and world.
Environment Collective is for everyone. Membership is free.
#What do we do?
In 2024, a primary focus of the collective is to build a community of driven and likeminded students with a shared interest in the environmental movement. The collective runs monthly meetings to discuss and develop new sustainability projects and policy for UTS and the Students’ Association. All are welcome to attend, it is not limited to environment or other science students, bring your friends! General activities include participating in and assisting student protests and other activism on and off campus, this will often mean casual banner painting and placard making. These are also fun social activities to meet new people and get involved with the Students’ Association.
The Collective’s introductory goal for 2024 is to establish 10c refundable can and bottle bins on campus where funds go towards the Students Association
#Get in touch
UTS Enviro meets regularly (every fortnight or so) and we’re always looking to get new members involved in our decision-making—so come along!
Join us for our inaugural meeting taking place no later than late March, date TBC. Get involved in our goals and decision making, membership and attendance is free, again, bring your friends!
#Sign up
Welfare Collective