

#What is misconduct?

Misconduct can be academic or non-academic. Academic misconduct includes plagiarism, copying another student's work, submitting work that is not your own, cheating in exams or attempting to cheat, or helping another student to cheat. Non-academic misconduct is a breach of discipline under University rules.

The process for dealing with academic or non-academic misconduct is the same and involves being given a notice of the alleged misconduct; responding to the allegation and, depending upon your response, may involve attending a formal hearing. Allegations of plagiarism are usually managed by your Faculty. All other student misconduct matters are managed by the university's Governance Support Unit.

For a full and comprehensive description on what constitutes academic and non-academic misconduct, processes and procedures and the range of penalties see Section 16 of the UTS Student Rules.


The majority of academic student misconduct matters that we see involve plagiarism or cheating in assignments or exams. Penalties for a first offence for these matters generally fall within section 16.3.1 (9) as per the Scale of Penalties with a zero result for the assessment task often being the final penalty where there are no extenuating circumstances. Students with repeat offences can usually expect to receive a harsher penalty.

#How can we help?

If you have received an allegation of misconduct we strongly advise that you make an appointment to see a caseworker who can advise you of your rights; give you information about the university procedures; and help you to develop and present your case. We are available to support you throughout the process and attend meetings, hearings or appeals with you if you wish.


Teaching staff who make a report of misconduct must refer student matters to the Responsible Academic Officer in the Faculty. They do not make any decisions in relation to the alleged misconduct. They cannot impose penalties without the correct procedures being followed. Students are entitled to be treated with dignity and courtesy, and are entitled to procedural fairness in the handling of an allegation of student misconduct, including any appeal.

#Avoiding Misconduct TIPS

  • Do not share your assignments with other students, including your friends
  • Do not copy from current or previous student assignments 
  • Do not purchase assignments online, you will get caught 
  • Submitting the same work for different assignments is known as self-plagiarism and will be considered an academic misconduct 
  • Familiarise yourself with how to avoid plagiarism – UTSHELPS provide workshops on avoiding plagiarism and correctly referencing 
  • Do not take any unauthorised material into quizzes and exams
  • Treat all students and staff with courtesy and respect 
  • Think about what you are posting on social media
  • Submitting fraudulent documentation is considered a serious misconduct