Student Articles
Meeting with the Deputy Vice Chancellor March
"...Shirely made it clear to me that she would like to see the collectives more active...Have collectives become so apolitical that she views them as nothing more than social clubs? Or has she, as she nears retirement, become a staunch supporter of activism on campus? I suspect it is neither...Regardless, collectives on this campus have the ability to grow and garner wider student engagement this year and should continue to do so, with or without Shirely’s blessing."

Representatives of your Students’ Association meet with Shirley Alexander, our Deputy Vice Chancellor of Education on a monthly basis to convey the concerns of students. This month your UTSSA president Anna meet with Shirley and discussed a range of student issues from the SSAF budget and funding Blue bird and Night Owl, to the safe spaces campaign, and the potential of a food pantry! Read for more.

Student Articles
Meeting with the Deputy Vice Chancellor February

Student Articles
A guide to the University of Technology, Sydney

Student Articles
Finding Cheap Textbooks at University

Student Articles